[rt-users] Attachments

mixo mixo at beth.uniforum.org.za
Fri Aug 3 04:21:19 EDT 2001

The file "WebRT/html/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler"  has the following
     my $content_type = $AttachmentObj->ContentType || 'text/html';

What exactly does  "$m-o>ut(....)" do?  How is it defined? In other
words, what is its return type (if it has one) , which arguments does
it take , etc? The whole point of this is to find out if an image can
actually be displayed using "$m->out(...)" . The problem we had with
 "$m-out(...)" is that if the attachment was a jpeg (or any other
then "Netscape (4.x and 6.x)"  just displayed it as plain text .

The above code is from  an old version RT  , rt-1-3-81, but is in
rt-2-0-4 as well.

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