[rt-users] RT2 Database design...

David C. Troy dave at toad.net
Thu Aug 16 08:18:44 EDT 2001

Hey folks, probably more Jesse than others:

I find that for our purposes RT2 is a little slower to respond (in the web
gui) than RT1.  My Attachments table has grown to be > 2GB in size and I
think this is slowing access to the entire RT system somewhat.  We have
about 50,000 archived tickets and we sort of want to keep them.

I think the design of RT2 is vastly superior to RT1, however I'm sad it's
slower right now.  I have basically two choices that I see:  1) throw more
hardware at it, 2) look to optimizing RT2.

So, my question is -- what indexing, if any, exists on the Attachments
table, and secondly, what fields does anybody (Jesse) think would gain
performance from additional indexing?


David C. Troy   [dave at toad.net]                   410-544-6193 Sales
ToadNet - Want to go fast?                        410-544-1329 FAX
570 Ritchie Highway, Severna Park, MD 21146-2925  www.toad.net

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