[rt-users] Proper token for an email responder
Adams, Gavin
gadams at promisant.com
Thu Aug 30 18:00:17 EDT 2001
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vivek Khera [mailto:khera at kcilink.com]
> >>>>> "GA" == Gavin Adams <Adams> writes:
> GA> if a user doesn't have a signature in the message of his body, via
> email
> GA> there is no way to know who sent the mail. With 5 or 6 cc's on a
> ticket,
> GA> this gets confusing.
> If your users have their name set in their personal config (ie, when
> you created the users, did you enter their names?) then RT shows that
> on the From line as part of the address comment.
Only our customer service and tech staff are familiar with the web
interface. What normally happens is an approval is needed from senior
management on a ticket. These users are added as one-off's as watchers
or CC's. They respond to tickets via email only (never use the web
interface), and normally do not have a signature. When two PHB's start
to talk back and forth, confusions reigns supreme.
There is a header for RT-Originator, but certain mail clients (Outlook)
filter those out when viewing the messages. Jesse's previous message is
working. I'll probably toss that and some other info into 1-2 line sig
on the internal ticket queues first and see what the response is from
--- Gavin
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