[rt-users] mailgate

Eric Goodman ericg at cats.ucsc.edu
Tue Jan 16 14:52:39 EST 2001

>from the README:
>You'll need an alias like the following for action requests:
>         rt-action:      |"/path/to/rt/bin/rt-mailgate general action"
>What is an "action"... is there a list of choices?

"action" can be replaced by either "comment" or "correspond" in /etc/aliases.

An 'action' queue ignores any plain text in the incoming message (I 
think you get an error). The subject line of the message *must* 
reference an actual, existing case in the database. This is only 
useful for using the "email command interface" of RT (the %RT 

A 'comment' queue treats the plain text in the incoming message as a 
comment, as if you had entered a new comment in the web interface. As 
with 'action' arguments, the subject *must* reference an existing 
case on which you are commenting.

A 'correspond' queue treats the plain text in the incoming message as 
a reply (i.e., sends a message to the requestor as well as queue 
members). If the subject line of the message does *not* reference an 
case in the database, then a new case is created -- if allowed by the 
queue -- using the information in the email (requestor is read from 
the "From:" line, etc.).

--- Eric

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