[rt-users] configuring sendmail with ssh/rt

Dale Bewley dale at bewley.net
Thu May 31 17:34:42 EDT 2001

Can you show us the alias you are using? It sounds like you are piping
email to an ssh command? I really doubt you need/want to do that if you

As far as executables and sendmail, you can pub symlinks in /etc/smrsh to
make sendmail happy.

On Thu, 31 May 2001, brigit schroeder wrote:
> when I am trying to set up a mail alias on our system's mail server (generically called 'rt-requests'), I am
> having problems with sendmail in that it won't allow me to set up an alias using ssh. I have generated
> an ssh key on this machine and copied the key to the rt server (with an acct. for 'rt') ...the 'authorized_keys' files has a command line in it for the rt-mailgate script with the appropriate attributes.
> after sending mail to rt-requests at mymailserver I keep getting errors saying that sendmail isn't 
> setup to handle requests from ssh (some message like that). I know there is some dir. that you 
> can copy an exec. into to make it work with sendmail, but this doesn't seem to help with sendmail.
> so how does one get sendmail and ssh to work together? I was doing this all as root, but maybe a diff't
> user id would work?
> also, I have run newaliases after updating the sendmail aliases file.
> please, if someone could advise, I would be very grateful.

Dale Bewley - Bewley Internet Solutions Inc. http://bewley.net/

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