[rt-users] rt206 make install fails to connect to Pg

Harold Sinclair hsinclai at andalus.speakeasy.net
Wed Sep 12 15:58:53 EDT 2001


I fail when trying to open a connection to Postgres database during 'make install'.

tools/initdb fails; it looks like the variables it's getting are correct, I just can't tell how to further debug it.

My problem is somewhat similar to what was described in this post,
but I did not see this thread conclude with a resolution!

I have tried both specifying the password for user postgres in rt's Makefile, and leaving it blank to no avail, while changing it at the OS level to match each case.

My Postgres install seems fine, that is, I can do other operations as user postgres with no problem, such as creating a test database.  Postgres is running and the socket is up.  

Maybe set up TCP/IP connect?  Could it be my DBIx version is broken?

Output of 'make install'

# make install
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/bin
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/data
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/sessiondata
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/etc
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/lib
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/html
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html
/usr/bin/perl   tools/initdb 'Pg' '/usr/local/pgsql' 'localhost' '' 'postgres' 'rt2' create
Now creating a database for RT.
Enter the Pg password for postgres: 
Creating Pg database rt2.
DBI->connect(dbname=template1;host=localhost) failed: PQconnectPoll() -- connect() failed: Connection refused at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/DBIx/DataSource/Driver.pm line 74
PQconnectPoll() -- connect() failed: Connection refused at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/DBIx/DataSource/Driver.pm line 74, <STDIN> line 1.
make: *** [createdb] Error 255

Do I have a bad version of DBIx? Did I miss something in the docs?
I really would appreciate any of your comments as I am dying to get this up and running.
My version info is below -- and thanks very much, 


RT and System Version information
perl -MDBD::Pg -e 'print $DBD::Pg::VERSION'

perl -MDBD::mysql -e 'print $DBD::mysql::VERSION'

RT v2.0.6
perl 5.6.0
(SuSE) Linux andalus 2.2.18 #1 Wed Jan 24 12:28:55 GMT 2001 i686 unknown

My SMTP server, postfix, runs locally and works just fine, though I haven't gotten as far as using with RT.

And the other pieces look good -- I just got them from CPAN yesterday:

andalus:/home/hsinclai/test/rt-2-0-6 # make testdeps
/usr/bin/perl ./tools/testdeps -warn Pg
Checking for DBI 1.18 ...found
Checking for DBIx::DataSource 0.02 ...found
Checking for DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.40 ...found
Checking for HTML::Entities...found
Checking for MLDBM...found
Checking for Net::Domain...found
Checking for Net::SMTP...found
Checking for Params::Validate 0.02 ...found
Checking for HTML::Mason 0.896 ...found
Checking for CGI::Cookie 1.20 ...found
Checking for Apache::Cookie...found
Checking for Apache::Session 1.53 ...found
Checking for Date::Parse...found
Checking for Date::Format...found
Checking for MIME::Entity 5.108 ...found
Checking for Mail::Mailer 1.20 ...found
Checking for Getopt::Long 2.24 ...found
Checking for Tie::IxHash...found
Checking for Text::Wrapper...found
Checking for Text::Template...found
Checking for File::Spec 0.8 ...found
Checking for Errno...found
Checking for FreezeThaw...found
Checking for File::Temp...found
Checking for Log::Dispatch 1.6 ...found
Checking for DBD::Pg  ...found


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