[rt-users] Automatic owner allocation

Matt Disney mdisney at ecdev.fedex.com
Thu Sep 20 12:34:41 EDT 2001

Couldn't you do this with enhanced-mailgate right now? 

Here's what I'm guessing you would have to do (this is convoluted, though... 
maybe there's a better way???):

1. Create a userX at support email alias to userX at normaldomain.
2. Install procmail and PGP.
3. Have a procmail recipe for userX to filter all mails addressed to
   userX at support. The procmail recipe would:
   A. Use formail to grab/modify relevant information from the email;
   B. Additionally modify the email with a script to build the 
      enhanced-mailgate headers, including owner assignment;
   C. Sign the modified and enhanced-mailgate-ready message with 
      the userX's PGP signature (I'll avoid the obvious security
      implication of having a process that automatically signs
      messages using PGP; that discussion would be tangent. BUT
      I don't think I would do it personally unless I really, really
      wanted this functionality.); and
   D. Forward the new message on to RT

I haven't done any enhanced-mailgate stuff yet, though. I'm just relatively 
familiar with the inspiration of the mailgate: req. Could the above steps do 
the trick?


Vivek Khera writes:
>>>>>> "RvdM" == Rehan van der Merwe <Rehan at nha.co.za> writes:
>RvdM> Essentially what I would want is to email userX at support and automaticall
>RvdM> make userX the owner of the ticket.  Naturally this would be the case fo
>RvdM> multiple users.
>It seems that if rt-mailgate had a --owner option it could use that
>for creating the ticket.  It appears that there is no such option
>currently, but shouldn't be too difficult to add.
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