[rt-users] General installation/layout topics

Jeff Blaine jblaine at mitre.org
Thu Sep 27 17:15:59 EDT 2001

>   |+   Perl + N-thousand modules and their N-thousand dependencies, some
> of   |+   which appear to work fine with Perl 5.6.1 and some of which
> appear   |+   not to at all, which means that "Perl 5.005 or higher" is
> misleading.   |+   Oops I got off track.  I'm not bitter about the time I
> wasted on   |+   this part, honest :)
> What modules did not work with 5.6.1 ?

I'll tell you when we get to that point again with 2.0.7.  We
poked at 2.0.4 well over a month ago and have not touched it since that
time (on purpose).

P.S. Are you using TABs in your indention characters?  If so, you might
     be better off with 4 spaces.

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