[rt-users] Okie...I must be dumb

Micah Wyenn micah at heliosolutions.com
Wed Apr 10 02:52:49 EDT 2002

Hi guys,
    I just got rt to install, using a mysql db.
I've got a cookies enabled browser pointing to the
rt link.  I've gotten as far as to the rt logon
page (yay!), ... but it won't allow me to logon.
I've tried root, the rtuser I thought I created at
installation, random stuff, mysql-user table
entries...all to no avail.  When I did a select *
from the rtusers db, I didn't see any rtuser line.
My question...is this a known problem/gotcha that
I just ran in to...or do I have to reinstall and
hope it goes away and I can logon?

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