[rt-users] RT problems

Christian proftp_cj at kdd.de
Thu Apr 25 05:20:27 EDT 2002

At 14:30 25.04.2002 +0530, V S R A, Prasad (Prasad) wrote:
>         I have installed RT and my apache 1.3.20 is with mod_perl 1.26
>statically linked.
>When I login to RT as root and click on the "Configuration" or any other
>links, I get to see some code.
>Here's what I get when I click "Configuration"
><& /Admin/Elements/Header, Title => 'RT Administration' &> <&
>/Admin/Elements/Tabs &>
>and when I try click on "preferences" this is what I get...
><& /Elements/Header, Title=>"Preferences" &> <& /Elements/Tabs &> <&
>/Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
>Top of Form 1
>% unless ($RT::WebExternalAuth) { <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title =>
>'Change password' &> New password:  <<...OLE_Obj...>> Confirm:
><<...OLE_Obj...>> <& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
>% } <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => 'Signature' &>  <<...OLE_Obj...>>
><& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &> <& /Elements/Submit &>
>Bottom of Form 1
><%INIT> my @results; if ($NewPass1) { if ($NewPass1 ne $NewPass2) { push
>(@results, "Passwords did not match."); } else { my ($val,
>$msg)=$session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->SetPassword($NewPass1); push
>(@results, "Password: ".$msg); } } if ($Signature || $SignatureMagic) {
>$Signature =~ s/(\r\n|\r)/\n/g; if ($Signature ne
>$session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Signature) { my ($val,
>$msg)=$session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->SetSignature($Signature); push
>(@results, "Signature: ".$msg); } } #A hack to make sure that session gets
>rewritten. $session{'i'}++; <%ARGS> $Signature => undef $SignatureMagic =>
>undef $NewPass1 => undef $NewPass2 => undef
>Why do I get this when I followed the documentation as it is?
>Could any of atleast give an idea as to what could be wrong?
>Thanks in Advance,

Did you really did all settings correct ? [and stop/start apache new]

Maybe $WebPath:
If you set up RT this way, you must also change $WebPath in config.pm



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