[rt-users] change in "From" line

Vivek Khera khera at kcilink.com
Fri Aug 9 15:26:59 EDT 2002

>>>>> "RL" == Rich Lafferty <rich+rt at lafferty.ca> writes:

RL> On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 02:47:31PM -0400, Vivek Khera <khera at kcilink.com> wrote:
>> Since upgrading from 2.0.11 to 2.0.14, my "From" lines look like this:
>> From: "" address at example.com " via RT" <queue at mydomain.com>
>> before they looked much better:
>> From: address at example.com via RT <queue at mydomain.com>
>> What's the reasoning behind all the added quotes?

RL> Well, your "much better" example will break the MTA. :-) That's not an
RL> email address in front, it's a realname. (It will also break with
RL> commas, etc.)

Well, no, it won't make a bit of difference given the way it is quoted
now.  The realname part is outside of a quoted environment.

Seems to me the better way would be to put the realname part in the
comments section of the address and format it like this:

 From: queue at mydomain.com (address at example.com via RT)

and just protect parens in the friendly name part.

btw: your patch doesn't apply to 2.0.14 cleanly.

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