[rt-users] Uninstallation of RT2

Odhiambo Washington wash at wananchi.biz
Sat Aug 24 05:45:56 EDT 2002

* Glen Horsington <GHorsington at flow.com.au> [20020824 08:12]: wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trying to do something that I thought would be fairly basic: remove RT from
> a production server (yes, yes me bad).
> I ran the make on a production environment, it has slowed the server down to
> no end (running qmail, and ldap amongst other things).
> I have read though the rtfm and ran a few searches in the lists, but to no
> avail, nothing on how to remove it.
> I'm relativly lame with linux/perl so I may need a starters kit too...

I believe your problem is elsewhere. What does `top` give for the loads when
the server is slow?

Anyway to answer your question directly, simply do this:

1. Edit httpd.conf and remove rt entries. Restart apache. I mean stop/start.
2. Login to mysql and do `drop database rt2` or whetever name you gave it
3. cd /path/to/rt2
   rm -rf rt2

If you gave more details about your problem, I'm sure you could get help
towards resolving it, not backing out!



Odhiambo Washington   <wash at wananchi.com>  "The box said 'Requires
Wananchi Online Ltd.  www.wananchi.com      Windows 95, NT, or better,'
Tel: +254 2 313985-9  +254 2 313922         so I installed FreeBSD."   
GSM: +254 72 743223   +254 733 744121       This sig is McQ!  :-)

You too can wear a nose mitten.

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