[rt-users] cycling through usernames in RT::Users

matthew zeier mrz at intelenet.net
Sun Feb 17 17:41:30 EST 2002

> matthew zeier wrote:
> > Does anyone have any code snippet to cycle through all users in a
> > group ?
> Users->MemberOfGroup() looks like it should do what you want.

I was hoping to find something more complete than that.  What I have right
now, which isn't working (I don't get anything on dumpValue()):

use lib "/opt/rt2/lib";
use lib "/opt/rt2/etc";

use RT::Interface::CLI  qw(CleanEnv LoadConfig DBConnect
               GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent);


use RT::Date;
use RT::Queue;
use RT::Tickets;
use RT::Users;

my $users_obj    = new RT::Users($RT::SystemUser);

while (my $user = $users_obj->Next) {


I don't appear to enter the while() loop.

- mz

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