[rt-users] Interfacing with RT via PHP

darren chamberlain darren at boston.com
Mon Jun 17 13:45:24 EDT 2002

* Chris Knipe <savage at savage.za.org> [2002-06-17 13:19]:
> Are there anything available that's written already to interface with
> RT's tickets via PHP?

One thing I'm interested in doing, if only I had the time, is an XML-RPC
interface to RT (XML-RT ?).  Once that is in place, you could interface
with RT from any client or programming language.  Every popular language
that I can think of has XML-RPC bindings (including PHP, of course), so
there would be no need to limit WebRT to being implemented using
HTML::Mason; the current WebRT could be rewritten to use XML::RPC as the
underlying API, rather than the Perl modules.

The best part of this would be that Jesse would be free to concentrate
on improving the base of RT.  After all, the main reasons to use RT are
the complex database it contains; the well-defined, yet still
extensible, relationships between tickets, users, and queues; the Scrips
and other automatic actions for which RT allows; and so on.  The various
interfaces are secondary to the data that the libraries provide access
to.  In fact, all the current interfaces, plus some new ones, would
probably be easier to write and maintain if they were presentation-level
wrappers around XML-RPC calls.

This is a long way off, of course.  But it would be practially ideal.

To answer your question, however, the easiest thing to do would be to
have the PHP script fire off an email to the email gateway, and ensure
that there is an OnCreate scrip to respond to the user.


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