[rt-users] Mail timeout - Postfix

Frances Russell fran at echoit.com.au
Sat Mar 30 02:33:31 EST 2002

I am running RT 2.0.11 on RH 6.2 with Postfix and Procmail.

When I send an email to any rt queue, 2 things happen:

1. A ticket is correctly created in RT.

2. The message sits in the postfix mail queue until it times out, then a postfix timeout 
message bounces back to me.

The error in the maillog is:

Mar 30 18:43:25 x-web postfix/smtpd[22290]: timeout after CONNECT from localhost 

The error in the Postfix bounce message is:

<it at x-web.rt2.msi.com.au>: Command time limit exceeded: "
    /var/www/rt2/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general --action correspond"

Is this related to Postfix permissions? If so, can anyone tell me what permissions and 
ownerships I need to set?



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