[rt-users] Installation on Cobalt RaQ XTR

josh josh at saratoga.lib.ny.us
Tue May 21 11:46:04 EDT 2002

I have been trying to get an installation going on a Cobalt RaQ XTR
with quite a few problems. Among them some FAQs which I would have
noticed if I read through the documentation. [ Why is CPAN making me
upgrade to 5.6.1? -- of course a note on how to downgrade back if you
just were saying yes to everything on a monday morning, would be nice

The machines are designed for ISPs who do web hosting and I'm trying
to get it up using the http://rt.domain.com where rt is running on
virtual server. 

Should I create an rt virtual user first? Basically, using a server
appliance adds a lot of possiblities but in this case is forcing me
into older versions of database software and perl than I'd like. I
don't believe mod_perl or FastCGI is possible, but I'm not sure. So if
anyone has dealt with these devices I'd appreciate heaing back.

Josh Kuperman                       
josh at saratoga.lib.ny.us

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