[rt-users] colors on the main "Home" page

Jeff Hoover jeff.hoover at infotechfl.com
Wed Nov 20 09:05:10 EST 2002

Pretty much the same thing, just edit WebRT/html/Elements/MyTickets & 
WebRT/html/Elements/MyRequests.  The beginning of my files, which isn't 
necessarily the best way, look like (MyRequests):

<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => "25 highest priority tickets I 
<TABLE BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 WIDTH=100%>
<TH align=right>#</TH>
<TH align=left>Subject</TH>
<TH align=left>Queue</TH>
<TH align=left>Status</TH>
<TH align=left>Owner</TH>
<TH> </TH>
% while (my $Ticket = $MyTickets->Next) {
%my $bgcolor;
%my @todo_colors = ( "#dadada", "#dad0d0",
% "#dacaca", "#dac0c0",
% "#dababa", "#dab0b0",
% "#daaaaa", "#da9090",
% "#da8a8a", "#da7070" );
%my @done_colors = ( "#dadada", "#d0dad0",
% "#cadaca", "#c0dac0",
% "#badaba", "#b0dab0",
% "#aadaaa", "#90da90",
% "#8ada8a", "#70da70" );

%my $status = eval("\$Ticket->Status");
%my $prio = substr(sprintf("%02d",eval("\$Ticket->Priority")),0,1);
% if ($status eq "new" || $status eq "open") {
%    $bgcolor = $todo_colors[$prio];
% } else {
%    $bgcolor = $done_colors[$prio];
% }

<TR bgcolor="<%$bgcolor%>" >

-- Jeff

At 10:24 PM 11/19/2002, Dane Rapaport wrote:
>On looking through the archives I have seen the colour coding 
>modifications for the Search/Listing.html section of RT and I have set them up.
>What I would LIKE to do, is add some sort of colour coding to the main page.
>Has anyone attempted or done this before?
>Its a bit different from the Search/Listing which is separated into 
>html'ised tables
>Thanks in advance
>Dane Rapaport
>Unix Systems Administrator and All Round Nice Guy
>Animal LOGIC, Fox Studios Australia
>p: +61 2 9383 4652
>m:  0414 735 922
>rt-users mailing list
>rt-users at lists.fsck.com
>Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at http://fsck.com/rtfm

Jeff Hoover                      <Jeff.Hoover at InfoTechFL.com>
Web Programmer, Info Tech, Inc.
5700 SW 34th Street, Suite 1235         phone: (352) 381-4400
Gainesville, FL   32608                   fax: (352) 381-4444

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