[rt-users] Reply/Comment on a CC...

Phil Homewood pdh at snapgear.com
Sat Oct 12 00:12:58 EDT 2002

Jim Keene wrote:
> I am sorry but I thought I had set the ACL to allow "CommentOnTicket and 
> ReplyToTicket" for everybody, but I had not. So now it is working. Sorry 
> for that guys. But I still not get it why not the same setting for the 
> pseudogroup CC not are enough ?

Because someone who is CCed on an update is not (necessarily)
a ticket CC. Unless they were one of the original CCs and you
enabled $ParseNewMessageForTicketCCs in config.pm, that is.
Phil Homewood, Systems Janitor, www.SnapGear.com
pdh at snapgear.com Ph: +61 7 3435 2810 Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
SnapGear - Custom Embedded Solutions and Security Appliances

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