[rt-users] RE: RT2 MySQL daemon CPU Load over 95%

Gororo, Hillary HGororo at chartercom.com
Thu Sep 5 15:48:54 EDT 2002

I am an RT2 beginner and more than often our mysqld shoots up to over 90%
and does not come down at all.

I am running on Solaris 8, 512M, 18GBHD with 
Mason v1.12
Apache 1.3.26
mod_perl 1.26

I have approx 25,000 tickets and 12 Queue's in total.  recently we have also
been experiencing memory leaks via httpd processes.  I have 

  MinSpareServers 5
  MaxSpareServers 20
  StartServers 5
  MaxClients 150
  MaxRequestsPerChild 30

I am using RT 2.0.13.  Please help!!!!


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