[rt-users] How to get rid of the "from" header / RT 3.0.6 on Debian 3.0

Michael Markstaller mm at elabnet.de
Thu Dec 18 12:36:00 EST 2003


I've serached the list and went through the FAQ's but I cannot work out 
how to get rid of the from header in the envelope of mails getting sent out.
The emails are all ok, also the "From: " is being set correctly by RT 
but for some reason, exim (or RT?) still inserts www-data at DOMAIN into 
the mails sent out which leads to some confusion, and problems with 
rather not-so-intelligent mail filters which treat the www-data at .. as sender
instead of the queues' RT adress.

Running RT 3.0.6 on Debian 3.0 with exim out-of the box.
according to the FAQ I've set in exim.conf:
trusted_users = mail:uucp:www-data

but that seems to have no effect.. the Email-header still looks like this 
(replaced some private stuff)
--- cut ---
>From www-data at mydomain.com Thu Dec 18 17:14:31 2003
Return-Path: <www-data at MYDOMAIN.com>
Received: from www-data by HOST.MYDOMAIN.com with local (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian))
Reply-To: rt at MYDOMAIN.com <--- THIS is ok
To: xyz at gmx.de
X-RT-Loop-Prevention: RT-NAME
From: "Michael Markstaller (RT-NAME)" <rt at MYDOMAIN.com> <--- THIS is also ok
--- cut ---

my RT_SiteConfig.pm (FriendlyFrom works fine)
--- cut ---
Set($MailCommand , 'sendmailpipe');
Set($SendmailArguments , "-oi -t");
Set($UseFriendlyFromLine , 1);
Set($FriendlyFromLineFormat , "\"%s (RT-NAME)\" <%s>");
--- cut ---

maybe there's sbdy with a small hint what I could have overseen.



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