Contrib: GiveHistory template Re: [rt-users] NotifyOwner and NotifyOwnerAsComment

Rafael Maximo maximo at
Fri Jan 17 06:22:24 EST 2003

Thank you a lot, it worked just great, exactly what I wanted.

Thanks for your help.

At 01:26 AM 17/1/2003, you wrote:
>One MORE correction.  Bleh.
>I'd modified this template and halfway tested it, but didn't notice that
>I'd goofed.  The original version of this template was for resolved
>tickets, and was sent to the end user, so it stripped out everything but
>correspondence. This version was for sending to the new owner, so I wanted
>comments sent.  But I messed up the if/elsif lines, and never noticed
>that.  Please excuse my error(s).
>Use the following, which works, which I've tested fully now.
>I'd love to see the code that would process the non-message transactions
>properly, if anyone does take the time to write that.
>Subject: Ticket Reassigned: {$Ticket->Subject}
>Greetings, this ticket is now yours.
>        Queue: {$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}
>   Requestors: {$Ticket->Requestors->EmailsAsString()}
>       Status: {$Ticket->Status}
>  Ticket <URL: {$RT::WebURL}Ticket/Display.html?id={$Ticket->id} >
>--- The initial request was ------------------------------------
>--- Additional activity ----------------------------------------
>   my $this_transaction;
>   my $complete_message = "";
>   my $Transactions = $Ticket->Transactions;
>   $Transactions->OrderBy;
>   $Transactions->GotoFirstItem;
>   while (my $Transaction = $Transactions->Next) {
>     $this_transaction = $Transaction;
>     if ($this_transaction) {
>       my $attachments = $this_transaction->Attachments;
>       $attachments->GotoFirstItem;
>       while (my $message = $attachments->Next) {
>         next unless $message->ContentType =~
>         my $content = $message->Content;
>         next unless length $content;
>         my $subject = ($message->Subject || $Ticket->Subject);
>         my $wrapper = Text::Wrapper->new(columns=>70);
>         $content = $wrapper->wrap($content);
>         $complete_message .= "Subject: ";
>         $complete_message .= $subject;
>         $complete_message .= "\n";
>         $complete_message .= "From: ";
>         $complete_message .= $message->CreatorObj->RealName;
>         $complete_message .= "\n";
>         $complete_message .= "Time: ";
>         $complete_message .= $message->CreatedObj->AsString;
>         $complete_message .= "\n";
>         $complete_message .= "\n";
>         $complete_message .= "$content\n";
>         $complete_message .= "--------------------------\n";
>         }
>      }
>   }
>   $complete_message;
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Rafael Máximo

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