[rt-users] header/body dissapeared

Dan Dofton ddofton at 4cls.org
Wed Jul 2 16:27:47 EDT 2003

On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 20:07:32 +0200
Tobias Lott <tlott at gmx.net> wrote:

> im getting the emails to rt3 with fetchmail to a local alias.

Could you give a brief overview of how you setup fetchmail and the local

I was hoping to do it that way, but ended up just forwarding the rt mail
to the rt server's ip and running postfix on the rt server.  I would
prefer not to have an smtpd running on the rt server, but I needed to get
it running fast so I did what I know how to do.

Thanks for any pointers,

 _  _        _                      
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|__   _| (__| \__ \| (_) | | | (_| |
   |_|  \___|_|___(_)___/|_|  \__, |
 Dan Dofton, Automation Asst. |___/ 
 ddofton at 4cls.org (607)723-8236e313

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