[rt-users] "refersto" link customizations?

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 8 04:29:58 EDT 2003

On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 05:51:55PM -0400, Kurt Yoder wrote:
> Hello all
> I've looked in every place I can think of (mailing list, rt hacker's
> guide, google), but can't seem to locate any information on
> customizing rt's "refersto" links. I only know that it looks like it
> should be extremely easy, to the point that there's an option in the
> main configuration file to set it up.
> Can anyone offer me any pointers? Using rt 2.0.14. Thanks.

Yes. RT 3's linking system is much, much more flexible and better
documented. If you're going to spend time hacking on relationships,
bringing your RT instance up to RT3 will spare you a world of pain.


> -- 
> Kurt Yoder
> Sport & Health network administrator
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