[rt-users] strange error

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Jul 24 13:09:34 EDT 2003

On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 02:11:04AM -0400, christopher neitzert wrote:
> Hey all
> RT3.0.3, apache 1.3.27, Mod_Perl 1.28, and Mysql.
> I get this error at random times, on random pages.
> Every time, is past the login screen with my username/password cached in
> mozilla.
> I'm no perl guy, but my take on this is my perl install is munged.
> anyone have any ideas how i can fix this?
> thanks
> chris
>                               System error
> error: 
> Unsupported conversion: Invalid
> argument at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Encode/compat/common.pm line 115.
> context: 
> ... 

Perl 5.6's handling of unicode is sub-par. Upgrading to RT 3.0.4 might
trap this error, but upgrading to perl 5.8 is more likely to make sure
you don't get bitten by things like it in the future.

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