[rt-users] Creating related ticket fails (Approvals)

Markus Muessig mmuessig at multamedio.de
Wed Jul 30 08:13:39 EDT 2003

Dear list,
i run into trouble trying to implement RT's approval system to my
rt3.0 installation.

What i did was that:
creating a queue named purchase
creating a queue named approvals
created a group named purchasers
created a group named approvers
granted full rights for group purchasers on queue purchase
granted full rights for group approvers on queue approvals
added user x to group purchase
added user y to group approvers

configured a scrip for queue purchase named Approval
here some additional info about the scrip:
description: Approval
condition: On Create
action: Create Tickets
template: Global Template: Approval needed

than i created a global template named "Approval needed"
content of template:

===Create-Ticket: Approval
Owner: root
Queue: approvals
Type: Approval
Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->id}
Content: This ticket was created automatically for approval purpose.
Please check your personal approvals for smooth workflow!

If i now create a ticket in queue purchase, no ticket in approvals
is created!!!

If i examine rt3's error-logs i get the following message:
..[error]: Couldn't create a related ticket for XXX Could not create
ticket. Queue not set (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/CreateTickets.pm:443)

I am not at all familiar with perl, so i can only guess what happens
at line 443 what makes ticketcreation fail...

Can anyone help me? Don't think, that there are problems with
permissions, cause i can manually create tickets in every queue i
want, regardingless which user! This error only appears during
approval-matters (auto-creation of a ticket)

Also there is no ticket in appropriate mysql-table (tickets) with type

Please help, or i drivin' insane.

Thank you in advance, Markus Muessig

Markus Muessig                     MULTA MEDIO Informationssysteme AG
					       Mergentheimer Str. 76a
                                                      97082 Wuerzburg
mailto:mmuessig at multamedio.de                Tel: +49 (0)931 79717-18
http://www.multamedio.de                     Fax: +49 (0)931 79717-30

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