[rt-users] Organization name; changing templates

jennyw jennyw at dangerousideas.com
Tue Jun 3 18:31:19 EDT 2003

We'd like to have something other than our organization name appear in
the subject line of messages going out.  The first thing I thought of
was changing the RT_SiteConfig.pm file, but I noticed that that the
comments in $RT_Config.pm indicate that both $rtname and $Organization
should be the DNS domain name and probably should not be changed.  So
then I thought I'd go and modify the templates, but then was confused. I
tried to find documentation but the only thing I could find was POD info
that didn't turn out to be too helpful for this particular issue.  So
here are some questions:

1. I noticed that the Autoreply template has a subject header defined, 
but that the Correspondence does not.  Why is this?  Both of them seem 
to have similar subjects.

2. I noticed that when I added a Subject: header to the Correspondence 
template, the subject was indeed replaced with what I typed. Except, of 
course, for the important part -- it still inserted the domain name in 
there.  How do I get control over this?

3. Why is there an "RT-Attach-Message: yes" header in Correspondence?

4. I noticed that the POD documentation for Transaction doesn't include 
Content. I grep'ed for this and found that there's info in 
Transaction_Overlay (perldoc Transaction_Overlay showed the info). Is 
there otherstuff I'm missing?

5. Is there any place to get more documentation on templates?



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