[rt-users] Mason error after upgrading from 3.0.0 to pre2

Ryan Wheaton ryan.wheaton at moguls.com
Fri Jun 6 16:16:05 EDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hello, I just upgraded from 3.0 (i think pre1) to pre2, and now, when
trying to view old tickets, or create new ones, i get the following
error.  All dependencies were satisfied, but the installer said
something about looking in 'etc/upgrade/' and that if the file in
there was whose name is greater than my previously installed RT
version, then run 'rt-setup-database --action insert --datafile
etc/upgrade/2.1.71'  (where 2.1.71 was the file in te etc/upgrade
directory).  2.1.71 is much less than the version i had installed
before, so i didn't think that I had to update the DB.  did i just
mess up and running this command will fix everything?  or have y'all
seen this before, and I just missed that thread?

- -r

- ---------------------
System error

error:  RT::Attachment::ContentLength Unimplemented in
(/usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction line 40) 
context:  ...   
277:  } 
279:  # All errors returned from this routine will be in exception
280:  local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { 
281:  rethrow_exception( $_[0] ); 
282:  }; 
284:  # 
285:  # $m is a dynamically scoped global containing this 
code stack:  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm:281
raw error

RT::Attachment::ContentLength Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
(/usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction line 40) 

Trace begun at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Exceptions.pm line 121
gth Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
(/usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction line 40) ^J')
called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line
Unimplemented in HTML::Mason::Commands.
(/usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction line 40) ^J')
called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm
line 458
) called at /usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction line
'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Transaction',
'RT::Transaction=HASH(0x9d54ae0)', 'ShowHeaders', undef, 'Collapsed',
undef, 'RowNum', 1, 'ShowTitleBarCommands', 1) called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 133
9cd98fc)', 'Ticket', 'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Transaction',
'RT::Transaction=HASH(0x9d54ae0)', 'ShowHeaders', undef, 'Collapsed',
undef, 'RowNum', 1, 'ShowTitleBarCommands', 1) called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1045
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9cd98fc)',
'Ticket', 'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Transaction',
'RT::Transaction=HASH(0x9d54ae0)', 'ShowHeaders', undef, 'Collapsed',
undef, 'RowNum', 1, 'ShowTitleBarCommands', 1) called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1039
x9cba270)', 'ShowTransaction', 'Ticket',
'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Transaction',
'RT::Transaction=HASH(0x9d54ae0)', 'ShowHeaders', undef, 'Collapsed',
undef, 'RowNum', 1, 'ShowTitleBarCommands', 1) called at
/usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory line 62
'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Collapsed', undef, 'ShowHeaders',
undef) called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 133
9514784)', 'Ticket', 'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Collapsed',
undef, 'ShowHeaders', undef) called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1045
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9514784)',
'Ticket', 'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Collapsed', undef,
'ShowHeaders', undef) called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1039
x9cba270)', '/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory', 'Ticket',
'RT::Ticket=HASH(0x9cd98f0)', 'Collapsed', undef, 'ShowHeaders',
undef) called at /usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Display.html line 37
HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('Due', '', 'Status', 'new',
'new-RefersTo', '', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '',
'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc',
'', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'Subject', '', 'Queue', 'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content',
'this is a test of creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it
werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'TimeLeft', '',
'InitialPriority', 0, 'Owner', 22, 'Attach', '', 'Starts', '') called
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 133
9caf8a8)', 'Due', '', 'Status', 'new', 'new-RefersTo', '',
'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject', '', 'Queue',
'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a test of creating
a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '',
'id', 'new', 'TimeLeft', '', 'InitialPriority', 0, 'Owner', 22,
'Attach', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1045
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9caf8a8)',
'Due', '', 'Status', 'new', 'new-RefersTo', '', 'MemberOf-new', '',
'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject', '', 'Queue',
'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a test of creating
a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '',
'id', 'new', 'TimeLeft', '', 'InitialPriority', 0, 'Owner', 22,
'Attach', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1039
x9cba270)', 'Display.html', 'Due', '', 'Status', 'new',
'new-RefersTo', '', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '',
'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc',
'', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'Subject', '', 'Queue', 'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content',
'this is a test of creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it
werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'TimeLeft', '',
'InitialPriority', 0, 'Owner', 22, 'Attach', '', 'Starts', '') called
at /usr/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Create.html line 242
HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '',
'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn',
'', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '',
'new-MemberOf', '', 'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject',
'', 'Queue', 'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a
test of creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?',
'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '', 'Due', '',
'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc',
'', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Cc', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'TimeWorked', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'Subject', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Queue',
'General', 'Content', 'this is a test of creating a ticket after the
upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new',
'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22, 'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '',
'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 133
9d169e0)', 'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new',
'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject', '', 'Queue',
'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a test of creating
a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '',
'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22, 'InitialPriority', 0,
'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '', 'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '',
'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn',
'', 'Cc', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'TimeWorked',
'', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'Subject', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'FinalPriority', 0, 'Queue', 'General', 'Content', 'this is a test of
creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?',
'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1045
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9d169e0)',
'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '',
'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject', '', 'Queue',
'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a test of creating
a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '',
'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22, 'InitialPriority', 0,
'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '', 'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '',
'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn',
'', 'Cc', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'TimeWorked',
'', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'Subject', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'FinalPriority', 0, 'Queue', 'General', 'Content', 'this is a test of
creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?',
'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1039
x9cba270)', 'HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9d169e0)',
'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '',
'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject', '', 'Queue',
'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a test of creating
a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '',
'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22, 'InitialPriority', 0,
'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '', 'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '',
'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn',
'', 'Cc', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'TimeWorked',
'', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'Subject', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'FinalPriority', 0, 'Queue', 'General', 'Content', 'this is a test of
creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?',
'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 735
ASH(0x9cba270)', 'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new',
'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Cc', '',
'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'TimeWorked', '',
'new-MemberOf', '', 'Subject', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'FinalPriority', 0, 'Queue', 'General', 'Content', 'this is a test of
creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?',
'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/rt3/share/html/autohandler line 158
HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__('Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '',
'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn',
'', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '',
'new-MemberOf', '', 'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject',
'', 'Queue', 'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a
test of creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?',
'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 133
9cca86c)', 'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new',
'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject', '', 'Queue',
'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a test of creating
a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '',
'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22, 'InitialPriority', 0,
'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1040
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9cca86c)',
'Due', '', 'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '',
'AdminCc', '', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors',
'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com', 'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '',
'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '', 'Subject', '', 'Queue',
'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content', 'this is a test of creating
a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '',
'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22, 'InitialPriority', 0,
'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1039
x9cba270)', 'HASH(0x947f448)',
'HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9cca86c)', 'Due', '',
'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc',
'', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com',
'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'Subject', '', 'Queue', 'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content',
'this is a test of creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it
werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 336
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x9cba270)',
'HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9cca86c)', 'Due', '',
'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc',
'', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com',
'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'Subject', '', 'Queue', 'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content',
'this is a test of creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it
werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 336
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x9cba270)',
'HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x9cca86c)', 'Due', '',
'new-RefersTo', '', 'Status', 'new', 'MemberOf-new', '', 'AdminCc',
'', 'new-DependsOn', '', 'Requestors', 'ryan.wheaton at moguls.com',
'Cc', '', 'new-MemberOf', '', 'TimeWorked', '', 'RefersTo-new', '',
'Subject', '', 'Queue', 'General', 'FinalPriority', 0, 'Content',
'this is a test of creating a ticket after the upgrade.^M^J^M^Jdo it
werk?', 'DependsOn-new', '', 'id', 'new', 'Attach', '', 'Owner', 22,
'InitialPriority', 0, 'TimeLeft', '', 'Starts', '') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 296
x9cba270)') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 134
eval {...}('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x9cba270)')
called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm
line 134
eHandler=HASH(0x9cba270)') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 787
=HASH(0x83987fc)', 'Apache=SCALAR(0x9cc03d4)') called at
/usr/rt3/bin/webmux.pl line 119
RT::Mason::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x9cc03d4)') called at /dev/null
line 0
eval {...}('Apache=SCALAR(0x9cc03d4)') called at /dev/null line 0

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