[rt-users] Is this slow? It seems slow.

Val Luck VLuck at VMdirect.com
Tue Jun 10 19:58:28 EDT 2003


I have just configured RT 3.0.2 with apache 1.3.27 (mod_perl) and Postgres 7.3.2.  We are about to turn 5 support people live using RT.

As it is right now with testing (creating tickets, re-assigning them, resolving them, etc) I can get up to a 5 to 15 second delay when going from "display" to "jumbo" mode.  

As it is, I am the only user testing RT.  The same server (Dell server running Red Hat 8, dual 900 mhz cpus, 1gb memory, scsi 10k drives) is running both apache/mod_perl/postgres.

This seems kind of slow, doesn't it?  What will happen when 5 people are beating on it?  

While clicking around in RT, it's common for the postgres db process 'postmaster' jump to 100% and sit there for the duration.  Additionally, I saw an earlier message posted about adding indexes to the RT database.  I had assumed that he was doing custom queries..?  Are their any extra indexes we could(should) add that are sanctioned by the RT programmers/DBAs that could speed things up?

Any comments / experiences / insights?  



p.s. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about RT.  I think RT is great!!

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