[rt-users] Two RT3 instances on one box

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Tue Jun 10 22:21:09 EDT 2003

This one time, at band camp, Joseph McCarty wrote:
>How would one set up two instances of RT3 on one RedHat 7.3 box with mod_perl compiled into Apache?  The first instance is alive and well, but my company is starting up a second customer base that will require different configuration...
>I picture two separate virutal domains on Apache, one for each interface.  The configure file would point to non-default file locations and to a separate MySQL database.  Once the second instance is installed, the configuration file in RTx/etc would use different database names, RT users, URLs, etc.  More aliases for the new instance would go into the aliases file.
>What are the gotchas?  Any pointers would be appreciated.

You can't do it with mod_perl because of the way mod_perl loads the entire
instance and thus you need at least one of them running from fastcgi or

jaq at spacepants.org                           http://spacepants.org/jaq.gpg

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