[rt-users] rt 2-1-83 customfields query

Gerald Fehringer gerald.fehringer at openadvice.de
Sun Mar 9 12:04:02 EST 2003


i was playing around with the selfservice html files and
added some additional info for our customers.

nothing fancy and pretty clear but i was not able to see
any output from the customer fields.

i can see my additional fields when i log in as prviliged user.

that's weird, because the querys are pretty straight forward to
implement, but i don't get anything !

this is what i added
% my @entry_fields;
% while (my $CustomField = $CustomFields->Next()) {
% my $Values = $Ticket->CustomFieldValues($CustomField->Id);
  <td class="label"><%$CustomField->Name%>:</td>
    <td class="value">
% while (my $Value = $Values->Next()) {
% }
% unless ($Values->Count()) {
<i><&|/l&>(no value)</&></i>
% }
% }
my $CustomFields = $Ticket->QueueObj->CustomFields();
(copied from the ShowCustomFields)

any help is greatly appreciated !


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