[rt-users] Perl 5.6.1 and Encode::compat problems

Autrijus Tang autrijus at autrijus.org
Tue May 20 02:56:49 EDT 2003

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 01:19:06AM +0200, Paolo Campanella wrote:
> If you're a Perl 5.6.1 user, you might have noticed that pages which
> take query parameters with multiple values bomb out. For instance:
> http://your.rt.site/Search/Listing.html?ValueOfStatus=open&ValueOfStatus=new&StatusOp=%3D&QueueOp=%3D&ValueOfQueue=3&RowsPerPage=50&NewSearch=1
> (in this case, you are given no search results, and the page displays
> a search term for Status of e.g. "Status = ARRAY(0xa97db3c)".
> A quick fix, in the top-level autohandler, is to replace this:
> $ARGS{$_} = Encode::decode_utf8($ARGS{$_}) foreach (keys %ARGS);

This is a known issue and believed to be fixed in RT 3.0.2.


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