[rt-users] Postgres vs Mysql, rt2 vs rt3?

Seth Cohn, EFN General Manager gm at efn.org
Tue May 20 19:19:45 EDT 2003

The problem right now is tons of local complaints about how slow the
ticket system is... (and the resulting reluctance to use it)

running 2.0.15 with many tweaks (including enhanced mailgate) with a
postgres backend, on a dedicated 600mhz box... (yes, I'd love to beef that
box up...)

I'd like to eventually migrate to rt3, once things like mailgate are
working for it... but can't until then.

Will moving to Mysql on rt2 speed things up?  Reading the mailing lists 
over the recent months make it appear so, but I'm looking for
confirmation.  Also, is there a good/better way to dump and then restore
the db, going from postgres to mysql?

thanks in advance...

## Seth Cohn, General Manager of Eugene Free Community Network gm at efn.org
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## Businesses planned for profit are apt to fail. - N. Butler

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