[rt-users] mysql new install errors

d. ryon wilhelm dwilhelm at irisfinancial.com
Fri Nov 14 15:55:35 EST 2003

hello all...

i am receiving the following errors when running 'make
initialize-database' on a new installation of rt3... anyone know what
this might be??? ( further config info at bottom )

ROOT at admin01:/usr/local/rt-3-0-6# make initialize-database
/usr/local/bin/perl //usr/local/rt/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init
--dba root --prompt-for-dba-password
In order to create a new database and grant RT access to that database,
this script needs to connect to your mysql instance on localhost as root.
Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no
password, just press return.

Password: ld.so.1: /usr/local/bin/perl: fatal: relocation error: file
symbol mysql_init: referenced symbol not found
make: *** [initialize-database] Killed
ROOT at admin01:/usr/local/rt-3-0-6# 

( configure options )
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rt --with-db-dba=root
--with-db-rt-user=rt_user --with-db-rt-pass=2nd.w at y
--with-web-user=nobody --with-web-group=nobody

( dependancy check output )
ROOT at admin01:/usr/local/rt-3-0-6# ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies
--with-mysql --with-modperl1
MASON dependencies:
        Params::Validate 0.02...found
        Cache::Cache ...found
        Exception::Class ...found
        HTML::Mason 1.16...found
        MLDBM ...found
        Errno ...found
        FreezeThaw ...found
        Digest::MD5 2.27...found
        CGI::Cookie 1.20...found
        Storable ...found
        Apache::Session 1.53...found
MAILGATE dependencies:
        HTML::TreeBuilder ...found
        HTML::FormatText ...found
        Getopt::Long ...found
        LWP::UserAgent ...found
MODPERL1 dependencies:
        CGI ...found
        Apache::Request ...found
        Apache::DBI 0.92...found
CLI dependencies:
        Getopt::Long 2.24...found
CORE dependencies:
        Digest::MD5 2.27...found
        DBI 1.37...found
        Test::Inline ...found
        Class::ReturnValue 0.40...found
        DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.92...found
        Text::Template ...found
        File::Spec 0.8...found
        HTML::Entities ...found
        Net::Domain ...found
        Log::Dispatch 2.0...found
        Locale::Maketext 1.06...found
        Locale::Maketext::Lexicon 0.25...found
        Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy ...found
        MIME::Entity 5.108...found
        Mail::Mailer 1.57...found
        Net::SMTP ...found
        Text::Wrapper ...found
        Time::ParseDate ...found
        File::Temp ...found
        Term::ReadKey ...found
        Text::Autoformat ...found
        Text::Quoted ...found
DEV dependencies:
        Regexp::Common ...found
        Time::HiRes ...found
        Test::Inline ...found
        WWW::Mechanize ...found
MYSQL dependencies:
        DBD::mysql 2.1018...found

( system parameters )
SunOS admin01 5.8 Generic_108528-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
Memory: 2048M real
Status of processor 0 as of: 11/14/03 12:53:40
  Processor has been on-line since 07/09/03 11:12:41.
  The sparcv9 processor operates at 502 MHz,
  and has a sparcv9 floating point processor.

d. ryon wilhelm
iris financial engineering, llc

UNIX 'IS' user friendly - it's just
selective about who its friends are...

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