[rt-users] Typos in RT3.0.7 UPGRADING

Ted Cabeen secabeen at pobox.com
Mon Nov 17 20:22:44 EST 2003

Two typos in the Postgres section of the UPGRADING file of rt-3.0.7

The line:
UPDATE  groups SET instance = instance1::text::int where btrim(instance) <> ''
Should be:
UPDATE  groups SET instance = instance1::text::int where btrim(instance1) <> '';

Note the instance1 in the btrim call and the semicolon on the end.
This seems to have the desired effect of changing the type of the
instance field from text to integer.

Ted Cabeen           http://www.pobox.com/~secabeen            ted at impulse.net 
Check Website or Keyserver for PGP/GPG Key BA0349D2         secabeen at pobox.com
"I have taken all knowledge to be my province." -F. Bacon  secabeen at cabeen.org
"Human kind cannot bear very much reality."-T.S.Eliot        cabeen at netcom.com

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