[rt-users] RT3 questions - Charts, Statistics, Customization

Anthony Sorace rt at anothy.9srv.net
Wed Oct 15 09:10:37 EDT 2003

Okay... I've got RT3 installed and am going through the process of 
doing a bit of customization - custom fields, templates, scrips. Is 
there good documentation on all this stuff somewhere? I've got the 
users doc, but that says very little about it. I've played around with 
the 'rt' command for finding a bit about types of objects and whatnot, 
but that doesn't give me what I'm looking for. Ideally, I'd like a list 
of the types of objects RT understands and what data and functions are 
contained within them.

I've installed the Statistics package. The statistics are being 
generated well (although they don't make me look very good right now 
:-( ), but the graphs are failing to come up. Nothings being generated 
in any of the logs, but I suspect (mainly because I can't come up with 
a better explanation) that it's not finding the GD::Graph package or 
that's not finding gd. Both are installed. Any way to test this out?

Everyone seems pretty happy with what RT3 offers (and I get to look 
like a hero, since the alternative was some fairly expensive commercial 
thing), and we're eager to make the most of it. Some managers, however, 
would like more in the way of pretty graphs. Aside from the Statistics 
package above (and assuming I can get the GD::Graph/gd problem sorted), 
what other packages are around? I've found three or four from the 
contrib archive (all without documentation, and I don't yet know where 
they get dumped to be recognized). Is there a definitive list somewhere?

And what do people here think of elixus? Any users? How much does it 
really offer?

And (finally) has anyone here been to Best Practical's training 
sessions? Any opinions on how worth the time/money it is? We're looking 
at sending myself and one or two others out, but want to make sure 
we're getting our money's worth.

I realize this is a good chunk of questions all at once, but people 
here are very anxious to get this up and running. I'm hoping to divert 
a portion of the money we've saved to Best for support and/or devel, 
but that's still a while away, so I want to make sure I'm using what's 
available as best as possible.

Much thanks,
Anthony Sorace
Director of Information Technology

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