[rt-users] feeling stupid..........

Kelly F. Hickel kfh at mqsoftware.com
Wed Oct 15 16:32:39 EDT 2003

Well, I haven't seen any responses.  I kept digging and found this in the apache log file, not quite sure if it's related to the mail problem or not...

-bash-2.05b$ cd /usr/local/apache/logs/
-bash-2.05b$ ls
access_log  error_log  httpd.pid
-bash-2.05b$  ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r--    1 root     adm          7467 Oct 15 15:29 access_log
-rw-r--r--    1 root     adm           449 Oct 15 15:29 error_log
-rw-r--r--    1 root     adm             6 Oct 14 15:27 httpd.pid
-bash-2.05b$ cat error_log 
[Wed Oct 15 20:29:40 2003] [crit]: Assertion flags == 0 failed: file "Storable.xs", line 2336 at ../../lib/Storable.pm (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/Storable/_freeze.al) line 282,    (in cleanup) Assertion flags == 0 failed: file "Storable.xs", line 2336 at ../../lib/Storable.pm (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/Storable/_freeze.al) line 282, at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/Session/Serialize/Storable.pm line 21

These are the only errors I can find on the system. I can send email when logged in as the apache user, but rt mail never even seems to make it to the mail log.

Kelly F. Hickel
Senior Software Architect
MQSoftware, Inc
kfh at mqsoftware.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly F. Hickel 
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 3:40 PM
To: rt-users at lists.fsck.com
Subject: [rt-users] feeling stupid..........

OK, I have a test RT3 system that I set up a few months back, I hadn't played with it for awhile, and had done some RHN updates to that linux (redhat 8) box, and somewhere along the way, my RT config broke.  So, I downloaded 3-0-6, did the test-dependencies until I got everything up to date, restarted apache, and everything seems to be working.  
Except for one thing (or you wouldn't be reading this email, right?).
RT can't send mail.  It can receive email, because I was able to open a ticket, but I can't get it to send any.  There don't seem to be any errors in /var/log/messages or /var/log/maillog, or /opt/rt3/var/log/rt.log, it just doesn't work.  I can send email from that box with no problems.
/opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm is:
$Organization = "mqsoftware.com";
$Timezone =  'US/Central'; 
$OwnerEmail = 'helpdesk at mqsoftware.com';
$RTAddressRegexp = '^rt\@starbug.mqsoftware.com$';
$CorrespondAddress='RT::rt at starbug.mqsoftware.com';
$CommentAddress='RT::rt at starbug.mqsoftware.com';
$UseFriendlyToLine = 1;
$WebPath = "/rt3";
$WebBaseURL = "http://starbug.mqsoftware.com:80";
$DateDayBeforeMonth = 0;
$LogToFile = 'debug';
$LogDir = "/opt/rt3/var/log";
$LogToFileNamed = "rt.log"; 
What am I missing?  Where should I be looking to find the problem?
Kelly F. Hickel
Senior Software Architect
MQSoftware, Inc
kfh at mqsoftware.com

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