[rt-users] critical bug with german letter '

frahm at wohnheime.studentenwerk-hamburg.de frahm at wohnheime.studentenwerk-hamburg.de
Thu Oct 16 06:33:53 EDT 2003

Hello Jesse,
many thanks, it works now. I do not get the error anymore but german
letters are partly not displayed correctly like this:
Möglichkeit ,mit freundlichem Gruß würde über diesen Anschluß

> On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 01:12:10AM +0200,
> frahm at wohnheime.studentenwerk-hamburg.de wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I installed Text::Quoted version 1.3. but i get the same error:-(
> The _exact_ same error? Did you stop and start apache? The error should
> at least have changed slightly.

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