[rt-users] Mysterious string appearing in email subject lines in RT2

Gabriel Bereny gbereny at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 21 13:46:25 EDT 2003

A while back, I created some action scrips which I was using to tweak the 
subject line
contents of outgoing email messages.  I used these scrips only in a test 
The scrips would insert a unique string into email subject lines so that I 
easily identify email messages that had come from my scrips.

I abandoned the effort after a while.  I cleaned up the new scrips.  The 
unique strings
I created no longer appear in any action scrip on my site though the new 
scrips still

My question/problem is twofold:

1) Occasionally (not always), I still see an email generated by RT that 
contains the
unique string.  I have no idea where this could be coming from.  As I said, 
it's no
longer in any scrip.  Where else might it be hiding?  Was there some state 
when I installed the scrips?  This is a big problem because the added unique 
in the subject lines cause replies from customers to be misinterpreted as 
new requests.

2) I used install scripts to get RT to recognize the new action scrips I had 
Now, they still show up in the pop-up list of action scrips.  Does anyone 
have the
analogue of an install script that removes action scrips from RT's database? 
  This is
a relatively minor housekeeping issue (unless it's the key to solving 
problem 1 above).

Thanks, as always.

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