[rt-users] How to look for dsabled user in the database

Asif Iqbal iqbala at qwestip.net
Fri Oct 24 09:46:42 EDT 2003

On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:

> Asif Iqbal wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I know how to look for disabed user in the RT gui. But how do I look for the
> > same in the rt3 database ? What flag should I look for ?
> select u.Name from Users u, Principals p where u.id = p.id and
> p.Disabled = 1 and p.PrincipalType = 'User';

Excellent !! Thank you so much

> >
> > I dod a select * from Users where name='testuser' \G but did not see anything
> > different with this disable user from a user with privilege rights to access
> > webrt.
> >
> > I am trying to compile a mailing list of valid users who have access to the
> > webrt
> >
> > Please help
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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