[rt-users] LookupSenderInExternalDatabase ?

Bob Goldstein bobg at uic.edu
Tue Oct 28 19:03:39 EST 2003

The flag LookupSenderInExternalDatabase is mentioned
in RT_SiteConfig.pm in the comments, but not actually
set or explained.  (RT 3.0.6)

  Can I somehow integrate an external database of users,
  without just copying the data to RT?  Of course, not
  all users will be in the external db, so I'd have to
  have some fallback to internal RT and to creating
  users on the fly.

  Alternatively (but not quite as cool) would be
  to create users on the fly.  Yes, I know RT does this,
  but it always sets the Name = Email when doing so.
  For me, the login name (we use an external auth method)
  is related to, but not identical, to the email address
  for most of my users.  So I'd need to modify
  either User_Overlay.pm::LoadOrCreateByEmail()
  or User_Overlay.pm::Create() in order to cannonicallize
  the Name.  Which I would do, presumably in User_Local.pm,
  except that I only want to make a tiny change, and not
  have to override a large subroutine.

Well, any suggestions would be welcome.


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