[rt-users] rt-users

RT RT at InterCept.Net
Tue Sep 16 09:20:41 EDT 2003

Red Hat 9 - 2.4.20-8smp
RT 3.0.5
Mysql 4.0.14
Apache 2.0.40
Perl 5.8.0
Cpan 1.76
Storable 2.08

Below is an output of a rt-test-dependencies --with-mysql
MASON dependencies:
        Params::Validate 0.02...found
        Cache::Cache ...found
        Exception::Class ...found
        HTML::Mason 1.16...found
        MLDBM ...found
        Errno ...found
        FreezeThaw ...found
        Digest::MD5 2.27...MISSING
                Digest::MD5 version 2.27 required--this is only version
2.20 at (eval 32) line 2.
        CGI::Cookie 1.20...found
        Storable ...found
        Apache::Session 1.53...found
MAILGATE dependencies:
        HTML::TreeBuilder ...found
        HTML::FormatText ...found
        Getopt::Long ...found
        LWP::UserAgent ...found
CLI dependencies:
        Getopt::Long 2.24...found
CORE dependencies:
        Digest::MD5 2.27...MISSING
                Digest::MD5 version 2.27 required--this is only version
2.20 at (eval 45) line 2.
        DBI 1.37...MISSING
                DBI version 1.37 required--this is only version 1.32 at
(eval 46) line 2.
        Test::Inline ...found
        Class::ReturnValue 0.40...found
        DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.92...MISSING
                DBIx::SearchBuilder version 0.92 required--this is only
version 0.90 at (eval 49) line 2.
        Text::Template ...found
        File::Spec 0.8...found
        HTML::Entities ...found
        Net::Domain ...found
        Log::Dispatch 2.0...found
        Locale::Maketext 1.06...found
        Locale::Maketext::Lexicon 0.25...found
        Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy ...found
        MIME::Entity 5.108...found
        Mail::Mailer 1.57...found
        Net::SMTP ...found
        Text::Wrapper ...found
        Time::ParseDate ...found
        File::Temp ...found
        Term::ReadKey ...found
        Text::Autoformat ...found
        Text::Quoted ...found
DEV dependencies:
        Regexp::Common ...found
        Time::HiRes ...found
        Test::Inline ...found
        WWW::Mechanize ...found
MYSQL dependencies:
        DBD::mysql 2.1018...found

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Irving [mailto:rirving at onecall.net] 
Posted At: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:52 PM
Posted To: RT
Conversation: [rt-users] rt-users
Subject: [rt-users] rt-users

   Someone online here said they had RedHat 9,
Apache, and RT all working as a platform...

   Any chance we could talk you out of
versions of all the above....

  Using RH 9, 3.0.5 RT, and 4.0.14 MySql,
Perl 5.8.0, and CPAN DBI's (1.67 ?)....

is about as friendly as pulling ones
own teeth.....


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