[rt-users] Change defaults in Refine Search window

vinita vigine MURUGIAH vinita at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Apr 2 00:41:44 EST 2004


<SELECT NAME ="<%$Name%>">
% if ($ShowNullOption) {
% }
% while (my $queue=$q->Next) {
% if ($ShowAllQueues || $queue->CurrentUserHasRight('CreateTicket')) {
<OPTION VALUE="<%$queue->Id%>" <%($Default && ($queue->Id == $Default)) 
&& 'SELECTED'%>><%$queue->Name%>
%   if (($Verbose) and ($queue->Description) ){
%  }
% }
% }

The list always shows the 1st element if none is selected,

by putting the option '-' after the while loop, you will get the 1st 
Queue (depending on the Queue name, sorted by letter).

Dave Dennis wrote:

>Dear List,
>Is there any way to change the defaults that are in the Refine search window in
>Search/Listing.html ?
>So for example instead of "Queue <is> <->" we might want it to be
>"Queue <is> <my-main-queue> "
>Or Ordering and Sorting, instead of defaulting to 50, default to 100 or

my @values = qw(0 10 25 50 100);
my @labels = (loc('Unlimited'), qw(10 25 50 100));

$Name => undef
$Default => 50

change the default value

>Is this possible / what would have to be edited?
>Thanks for the help...
>+ Dave Dennis
>+ Seattle, WA
>+ dmd at speakeasy.org
>+ http://www.dmdennis.com
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warm regards
Vinita Vigine Murugiah
Email : vinita at cs.mu.oz.au			Ph : (03) 8344 1273

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