[rt-users] auto reply to requestors + CC's

pdh at bestpractical.com pdh at bestpractical.com
Thu Apr 29 06:07:20 EDT 2004

Paul Suela wrote:
> do you know of any way how to also send the auto-reply to the cc: list 
> that the requestor originally included in his cc: list?

OnCreate NotifyRequestorsAndCcs with TemplateOfYourChoice

You'll still need to keep the AutoReplyToRequestors scrip, as
the above won't actually notify the requestor as he's the
actor. Unless you've enabled $NotifyActor, in which case you
_should_ remove the AutoReplyToRequestors, of course.

You'll also need to enable $ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs for
that to work, and heed the warnings about that carefully.

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