[rt-users] request for Approvals queue help

Michelle L. Murillo mmurillo at lternet.edu
Tue Dec 7 13:10:07 EST 2004


I am having problems setting up Approvals. I have read the manual 
referring to this and all of the applicable newsgroup postings and have 
not been able to figure out why it is not working.

We are set up as follows:

RT 3.0.8
Perl  5.8.0 (please, I hope this is problem is not related to this?)
Apache 2.048
MySQL 4.0.18

I created a queue (called testing_queue)
- I added a "approval scrip" local to this queue as indicated in the doc:
On Create
Template "ticket approval" (a local template to the queue testing_queue)

My template "ticket approval" looks like this:
Subject:Ticket waiting for approval {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
Content: Someone has created a ticket, you should review and approve,so 
they can finish their work.

Absolutely nothing happens. I checked the log files and there are no 
errors that seem to pertain to this - but what I did notice is that the 
"approval scrip" never runs. It is scrip #16 - I can see that all of the 
other global scrips (on create, autoreply...etc.) have run and that I 
receive all of the subsequent emails...

Any pointers to point me in a new direction to figure this out?


Michelle L. Murillo
Data Manager
LTER Network Office
UNM Biology Department                  Email: mmurillo at lternet.edu
MSC03 2020                              WWW:   http://www.lternet.edu
1 University of New Mexico              Phone: (505) 277-2578
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001              FAX:   (505) 277-2541
"It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it 
isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it."
				**Eleanor Roosevelt**

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