[rt-users] Large number of Groups/GroupMembers since Upgrade

Peter Silver psilver at ultrafast.com.au
Sun Feb 22 20:56:36 EST 2004


We've recently upgraded from RT 2.0.14 to 3.0.9.  Our DB numbers on
2.0.14 were;

  Tickets:       83,935
  Users:         40,641
  Groups:	     13
  GroupMembers:      61

Since upgrading into the 3.0.x series the figures are now;

  Tickets:       88,282
  Users:         42,414
  Groups:       395,834
  GroupMembers: 303,748

The general feel of our instance of RT is now very sluggish, and I'm
wondering if the huge increase in the number of Groups & GroupMembers
would affect the overall performance?

Below are the last 10 rows in the Groups table.

mysql> select * from Groups order by id desc limit 10;
| id     | Name | Description | Domain          | Type      | Instance |
| 438360 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | AdminCc   |   136642 |
| 438359 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Cc        |   136642 |
| 438358 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Owner     |   136642 |
| 438357 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Requestor |   136642 |
| 438356 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | AdminCc   |   136641 |
| 438355 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Cc        |   136641 |
| 438354 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Owner     |   136641 |
| 438353 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Requestor |   136641 |
| 438352 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | AdminCc   |   136640 |
| 438351 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Cc        |   136640 |


Peter Silver

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