[rt-users] Links missing after upgrade from rt 3.0.11 to 3.2.0

Anders Ekstrand anders.ekstrand at drutt.com
Thu Jul 1 06:44:31 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I just upgraded to RT from 3.0.11 to 3.0.2 (and RTFM from 2.0.3 to
2.0.4) and noticed that some links seems to be missing.

On the "Home" page, in the block "xx highest priority tickets I own": A
correct list is displayed, but the entries aren't clickable. (They are
clickable in the "xx highest priority tickets I requested..." block.)

On the Display page: The left menubar is unchanged, ie. the links
"Date", "People" etc are not shown. They are, however accessible by
clicking the sub-blocks in the "Ticket metadata" block, but there's no
way back to the main Ticket Display page.

Does anybody have an idea on what I could have missed, or where I should
start digging?

Regards - Anders Ekstrand

Anders Ekstrand
Senior Member of Technical Staff

Drutt Corporation, Operations

Tel:    +46 31 83 66 67
Mobile: +46 733 200 238

Email:  anders.ekstrand at drutt.com
Web:    www.drutt.com


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