[rt-users] Looking for more documentation on RT3's mailgate...

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at isc.org
Thu Jun 3 19:39:50 EDT 2004


I am currently testing RT3 internally so that we can migrate our RT2 installs 
over at some point.  The install has been painless (thanks to 
FreeBSD's /usr/ports)  But what has stimied me has been the new (to RT3) 

It looks like it does basically a HTTP post to the web interface, and since we 
put our app server behind various auth mechanisms (mod_auth_kerb and 
mod_auth_pgsql) it has no way to post any messages to the application server 
via HTTPD.   I have been scowering Google for more info on how RT3's 
rt-mailgate works to get around this, but to no avail...


a) can it talk over https?

b) how does it talk to the application server?  (Even with 
$WebFallbackToInternalAuth defined, it still throws up "An Error Occurred 
=================  401 Authorization Required")  Is there a user I need to 
add, etc?

Thanks in advance for any tips you can provide...

Best Wishes - Peter
Peter_Losher at isc.org | ISC | OpenPGP 0xE8048D08 | "The bits must flow"
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