[rt-users] rt-3-0-9

Alexey Misurenko mag at caravan.ru
Sun Mar 21 08:11:49 EST 2004


I am try to instal rt3.0.9
and use Oracle as database. But  installation process
is stop with next.

Can somebody say me that i can make wrong?

rt3# make initialize-database
/usr/bin/perl //usr/local/rt/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba 
rt --prompt-for-dba-password

In order to create a new database and grant RT access to that database,
this script needs to connect to your Oracle instance on develop as rt.
Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no
database password, just press return.

Now creating a database for RT.
...skipped as rt is not rt or we're working with Oracle.
Now populating database schema.
Creating database schema.
schema sucessfully inserted
Now inserting database ACLs
Now inserting RT core system objects
Checking for existing system user
(RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x8b3a328))...not found.  This appears to be a new
Creating system user...Could not create user
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/local/src/RT3/rt-3-0-9.

WBR,   Alexey G Misurenko ( MAG-RIPE | MMAGG-RIPN )
CTO of Caravan ISP            http://www.caravan.ru
Phone: +7 095 3632252         Cell:  +7 903 7450163

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