[rt-users] De-HTML incoming mail requests

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Thu May 20 03:07:20 EDT 2004

I see your patch, it doesn't all what you wanted this to do.
It's save place for JavaScript, ActiveX calls injection.
+$scrubber->default( 0,
+    { '*' => 0, id => 1, class => 1, href => 1, face => 1, size => 1, 
target => 1 } );
+$scrubber->allow( qw[A B U P BR I HR BR SMALL EM FONT SPAN DIV UL OL LI 
DL DT DD] );

href can contain JS and other weird data.

			Best regards. Ruslan.

Jesse Vincent wrote:

> On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 10:52:28AM +0400, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
>>This option is for download link, if option is true then you get html 
>>page with attachment download link, without it you get plain text.
>>Scrubbing before/after inserting in RT and other methods was discussed 
>>here, search for info.
> (RT 3.1 will scrub and display html inline.)

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