[rt-users] auth_pgsql and the RT database

Otmar Lendl lendl at nic.at
Wed Nov 3 09:43:46 EST 2004

Just FYI,

I've implemented a simple SOAP interface for my RT-based application
and for that I needed Apache to restrict access to certain <Location>s
based on username/password from the RT database (in my case Postgresql).

The solution was to use auth_pgsql:

  LoadModule auth_pgsql_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_auth_pgsql.so

combined with:

  AuthName "RT SOAP Authentication"
  AuthType basic
  require valid-user
  Auth_PG_host localhost
  Auth_PG_port 5432
  Auth_PG_user rtuser
  Auth_PG_pwd XXXXXX
  Auth_PG_database rtdb
  Auth_PG_pwd_table users
  Auth_PG_uid_field name
  Auth_PG_pwd_field "encode(decode( password || '==' ,'base64'), 'hex')"
  Auth_PG_encrypted on
  Auth_PG_hash_type MD5

Share and Enjoy!

/ol (Yes, there is no question in this mail. This mail is dedicated to 
    the people who might have the same need and are capable of searching 
    the mailing list archives.)
< Otmar Lendl (lendl at nic.at) | nic.at Systems Engineer >

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